New in Version 4 – Importing Parts and Update Prices


Parts Tracker version 4 includes a new feature that allows you to import parts and price lists from suppliers and keep your prices up to date.Suppliers can provide you with price lists in Excel spreadsheet format and many suppliers already make these available on their websites. Simply download their price list and Parts Tracker will import it, updating your prices and optionally adding new parts.

Parts Tracker stores the new prices against the specified supplier meaning you can track multiple prices for different suppliers. Pack quantities are also imported if your supplier sells parts in multiple units (e.g. bags or packs).

Parts Tracker stores multiple prices for different suppliers and different pack quantities

And if you import prices lists from multiple suppliers you can compare their prices easily using the Supplier Price Comparison report.


Supplier Price Comparison report showing the difference in prices between multiple suppliers

If your supplier doesn’t currently make their price lists available in Excel spreadsheet format, ask them to contact Andrew at to discuss the appropriate formats to import into Parts Tracker.

I’ll be collating a list of suppliers in different countries and will publish links on the Parts Tracker website for easy access. So if you know of suppliers that make their parts list available, include a link in the comments below.

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